To: President Donald Trump

Politicians Must Share the Pain

Stop the hypocrisy. If political leaders want to continue with budget cuts, smaller goverment and a balanced budget, then they need to put some skin-in-the-game. All political levels from the President on down need to take a salary cut; reflective of the cuts they propose and downsizing the Congress and the Senate for positions that are not performing would support smaller government. Decisions to cut must be directly tied to each decision maker's salaries and positions until the health of the American economy is regained.

Why is this important?

In the here and now, 8-15% of the American public remain in a state of unemployment, underemployment, foreclosues, shrinking revenue and now forloughs - while our politicians continue to rant on about cuts to save some mystical tomorrow. People are hurting and its time our elected officials share in the pain.