To: Charlie Hales, Mayor of Portland, Amanda Fritz, City Commissioner, Nick Fish, City Commissioner, Dan Saltzman, City Commissioner, and Steve Novick, City Commissioner

Portland Police: Stop tracking our cars!

To the Portland City Council: Please implement rules that require the Portland Police to discard all location data after no more than one month, except where specifically relevant to a particular criminal investigation.

Why is this important?

The Portland Police uses vehicle-mounted cameras to capture 128,000 license plates every single day with their new license plate tracking program.

Even if you're not suspected of a crime, they're tracking your vehicle. This kind of information allows the police to track people’s daily routines, where they go to church, which doctor they visit…even a person’s political affiliations.

There are no rules for how long it can be kept or strict guidelines on its use. Right now, data is kept for four years, even if you're not suspected of a crime.

Tell the Portland City Council to implement rules that require the Portland Police to discard all location data after no more than one month, except where specifically relevant to a particular criminal investigation.