To: Superintendent Carole Smith, Portland Public Schools and Board of Education, Portland Public Schools

PPS Keep Your Promise: Engage the Community On HS Schedules

Dear Superintendent Carole Smith and Portland Public School Board members,
In early March, high school (hereinafter HS) principals presented HS teachers with three potential schedules to meet the 130 hour instructional rule. The District is seeking to maintain the 6 of 8 option within the 192 day work year by eliminating all but one day of parent teacher conferences and making other changes, including increasing the block to 94 minutes. PAT has stated some schedules may violate the contract. No input was requested from any group that will be impacted by these changes.
When schedule changes were handled without collaboration in 2011, the Oregonian reported teachers and parents were unhappy with the approach. Why repeat the same mistake? The Board has listed that one of this year’s priorities is to authentically engage the community, including developing a Board engagement plan by December 2013. (See The implementation of this schedule change is in direct conflict with this Board policy. The Board’s equity policy says the Board will “welcome and empower families, including underrepresented families of color as essential partners in their student’s education, school planning and District decision-making.”(See
We request that you restart this process and involve all stakeholders, including teachers, students, and parents of high school and middle school students, and present evidence that schedules conform to best practices.
Teachers and students have developed schedules they believe will meet instructional time and teacher demands. PPS has argued that elective choices will suffer if certain schedules are used but no evidence has been presented. We believe schedules can be crafted to fulfill the required instructional time, the desired variety of electives and teacher and student needs. This can be accomplished by engaging stakeholders in dialogue and planning. Thank you in advance for your attention to this pressing educational issue.

Why is this important?

After a long contract fight, PPS is making major schedule changes for high schools without any collaboration or input. As parents, students and teachers we are impacted by these decisions and we demand meaningful dialogue and a productive and equitable decision-making process. This is the only path to the the schools Portland deserves.
