To: The Pennsylvania State House

Prayer Month in Government?

Not satisfied with having already passed the "Year of the Bible" resolution, the Pennsylvania House passed another similar bill declaring October "Prayer Month." Both resolutions were voted on without a debate. On both resolutions, House legislators used underhanded tactics to ram this bill through at a time when people and legislators were preocupied with upcoming election activities.

This is starting be a habit.

Earier this year, the passage of the Year of the Bible resolution raised such a stir after it had been secretly passed, 10,000 people signed on to a petition to repeal it and a motion was introduced to appeal it. The motion to repeal came from some legislators who had originally voted for it.

They didn't learn their lesson.

Government has no Constitutional authority in sposoring, endorsing, or acknowledging prayer. The people's right to pray or not to pray is an innate right that exists regardless of legislative endorsement.

Not only is this resolution unnecessary, it is a violation of church/state sepration. Here the House has again overstepped its authority.

It is damaging to religious freedom for both relgious and non-religious groups to allow government to usurp the role of administering prayer or other relgious affairs.

We call on the elected representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to repeal HR922, and refrain from passing any further resolutions affecting our religious affairs.

Why is this important?

Government presuming to to tell people when to pray is damaging to religious liberty.
