To: Governor Larry Hogan

Pre-K for everyone

Pre-K should be available to every child in Maryland regardless of their economic status.

Why is this important?

My son will not have the chance to go to Pre-K for free because we are told that we make too much money. I am a social worker and his father is a satellite technician. We are not rich and just one pay check behind like most Americans. My son is 2 years old as of this past January and will not be able to start free public school until he is 5. We will be paying for a private school for almost 2 years before my son is able to start Kindergarten. That's an average of $10,000 per year.

Why is it that my son is not able to go to public school? I feel like we are being punished for making the mere $40,000 a year that I make (his father and I are not married yet so this is based off of one income) Hope this makes sense. Thanks.
