To: President Donald Trump, Antony Villagrosa, Los Angles Mayor, Wendy Gruel, Los Angles Controller, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United S...

Preference Voting

As many elected officials as possible should work to switch us from our current voting system to one based on some form of preference voting.

Why is this important?

Our political system is dysfunctional. This is due in large part to too many extreme views and not enough in the middle. It is well known among those who study voting systems, that our "first past the post" system is almost the worst possible voting system. Preference voting would get us more candidates with moderate views, perhaps a larger voice to other parties, and would ensure that the candidate most desired by the population would be the candidate elected. (Our current system does not do this!)

It might even save money, as it may be possible to do away with primary elections.