To: The Minnesota State House, The Minnesota State Senate, and Governor Tim Walz
Preserve Homes and Create Good Jobs
Invest the $400 million in state bonding needed to repair Minnesota's low-income public housing in every county and create thousands of construction and service jobs.
Why is this important?
Public Housing in MN needs a minimum of $400 million in repairs and renovation around the state. Low income seniors, disabled persons, families and refugees are living in subsidized housing in every MN county that was constructed 40-50 years ago and is falling apart. If this is housing is allowed to continue to deteriorate, it will be impossible to afford to replace it at today's cost. Many low-income people would face homelessness as these are homes where they pay rent at 30% of their income, whatever that is, sometimes only social security. Repairing this housing would create about 7,000 new construction jobs and save thousands of on-going public housing mainentance and housing service jobs in Minnesota. Bonding for public housing repair is a critical homelessness prevention, job creating, and statewide infrastructure investment in every MN county that we cannot afford to neglect. Everyone knows a Minnesotan who lives in this housing or would be homeless. Everyone in MN knows a construction worker who needs to go back to work.