To: The Ohio State House, The Ohio State Senate, and Governor Mike DeWine

Preserve Ohio's University Regional Campuses

We oppose the Kasich administration’s announced plan to stop separate and direct state funding lines to Ohio’s 24 regional campuses. This action will undermine the open-access mission and academic stability of the regionals and deprive many communities of an efficient and effective arm of Ohio’s higher education system.
Separate funding should be preserved because:
- It assures protection of the open-access mission.
- The regional campuses are generally working well, are not broken, and do not need to be fixed.
- Ohio universities have vast and expanding layers of administrative bureaucracy and other non-instructional costs that would quickly absorb revenues produced at the regional campuses, funds that should be committed to instruction at the regionals.

Why is this important?

Ohio Gov. John Kasich's imposition of a corporate model onto public education has found a new target in his proposals regarding college and university funding. Chief among the problems is the elimination of separate funding for the university regional campuses that would undermine their open-access mission and thus close the path to the middle class for many Ohioans . This petition was started by a large group of regional campus faculty from around the state who want to preserve the important role out institutions play in the state's higher education system.
