To: [email protected], The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, and Governor Tom Wolf

Preserve, Support and Maintain Cheyney University of Pennsylvania

As Pennsylvanians, we call on Governor Corbett and state law makers for adequate and equitable funding to preserve, strengthen and maintain Cheyney University. We support funding to carry out the 1999 civil rights settlement concerning this historic landmark and national treasure.

Why is this important?

Cheyney University was founded 177 years ago and is the first institution established to educate persons of African heritage who had been held in bondage in the United States. Cheyney University has been the institution where marginalized students could develop their potential and acquire the knowledge and skills to strengthen Pennsylvania. Graduates are educators, legislators, diplomats, doctors, lawyers, chefs, and the list goes on. Many of these highly successful alumni might not have attended university had Cheyney University not been available to them.

Cheyney University provides an irreplaceable resource to Pennsylvania. It is a state and national historic treasure.

For years, Pennsylvania has failed to fund Cheyney equitably. The school has not received the support provided for the other thirteen Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education schools. In 1999 an agreement between the Commonwealth and the Office for Civil Rights was reached wherein Pennsylvania promised to equitably equip this University.

The state has yet to fulfill the 1999 agreement and the draconian budget cuts to higher education under the current administration has created an extremely debilitating financial situation for this school.

At a time when all of Pennsylvania’s youth must pursue some manner of continued or higher education, law makers must maintain our university system. Pennsylvania’s public funds are used to support 40 prisons at twice the cost of supporting higher education. This is wrong for the future of the commonwealth.

Do the right thing for Pennsylvania, for our young people, and for persons who might otherwise not seek to change their relationship with society by attending college. Meet the standards set forth in the 1999 civil rights agreement. Preserve, support and maintain Cheyney University.
