To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Preserve the 4th Amendment.

Please protect our rights under the 4th amendment from being trampled upon, as they have been and are now! Too many times the courts have given Law Enforcement agencies exceptions to the 4th amendment. I.E. The Good faith rule, stop and frisk and the ability to search a vehicle without a warrant. The Plain view Doctrine has been expanded to include hearing and smell as well as drone photos, inspecting private electric bills for usage and infrared used during the winter to check for "suspicious" heat sources! The GPS monitor put onto a persons car with no probable cause except the persons name or skin color!! Pretext stops on the highways and the police intimidation to gain entrance to search a vehicle, etc.
We must go back to the literal meaning of the 4th amendment to stop "fishing" and to stop evidence from being admitted gained in violation of the 4th. Last but not least, throw out the "Good faith Exception" law enforcement isn't that stupid! Why would a Cop search a person under the Terry Rule, if the person is wearing a bikini?? The Terry frisk has been "used" to search for drugs, not weapons which the terry frisk is for!

Why is this important?

The 4th Amendment to the constitution of the United States has been attacked from mostly conservatives who weaken the protections it affords from overzealous law enforcement agencies. The war on drugs, and now terror, have dealt serious blows to the protections that are as important as the 1st Amendment is for fee speech!!
