To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Preserve the Mortgage Interest Tax Deduction

Middle income American families need the Mortgage Interest Tax Deduction to avoid significant increases in their tax burden. For many, it will make a difference in whether or not they can remain in their homes. Do not sacrifice this vital deduction for Middle Class home owners in order to give larger tax breaks to the wealthy.

Why is this important?

We are a retired military family. After 26 years of service to our country, we were finally able to put down roots and become home owners. The weakened economy has caused my husband to be downsized twice since he retired. Although he is thankfully employed again, the loss of the Mortgage Interest Deduction will increase our tax burden by thousands of dollars. It will have a significant impact on our finances and those of many middle class families. I call on the President, and the lawmakers of both Houses to retain this essential deduction for struggling middle class families who wish fervently to keep their homes.
