To: Supreme Court of the United States, Public Information Office
Every American citizen who endorses the notion that this great nation of ours symbolizes "liberty and justice for all", must also embrace the democratic principle of "One Person, One Vote". Weakening the VRA- in any way, shape, or form- will be a death knell for fair elections in this country. As progressive elections administration practices in parts of Europe continue to raise the bar and support the argument for uniformity and standardization (between the U.S. States), we, the citizens of the United States of America, simply cannot afford for existing laws that were formulated specifically to prevent Minority Voter Suppression and Minority Voter Disenfranchisment to be repealed. Please, sign your name to this Petition: "Preserve the Voting Rights Act [VRA] of 1965". It will be forwarded to the Supreme Court of the United States, which has begun review of a lawsuit filed by an Alabama County (Shelby) arguing the constitutionality of the VRA's Section 5 stipulation. Section 5 establishes jurisdictions that must submit a formal request to the United State's Justice Department, prior to instituting ANY change to the practices, policies, or procedures by which those jurisdictions administer the vote. Reflect, if you will, upon the many controversial irregularities that have transpired in certain U.S. States only since Year 2000! Well, many of those incidents directly impacted MINORITY voters, which means they (ultimately) affected EVERY voter. Even a full decade later, in Year 2012, the administration of American elections is far from the fluid process it should be, and this appears particularly the case in U.S. Counties and States with a sizable MINORITY voting population. This is unacceptable! This is undemocratic! This is un-American! We need the VRA, and every component of it, as it presently exists! Protect the VRA! Please sign! Thank you. And God Bless America.
[email protected]
24/7 Voter Assistance & Complaint Hotline: (716) 817-0018
Buffalo, New York, USA
[email protected]
24/7 Voter Assistance & Complaint Hotline: (716) 817-0018
Buffalo, New York, USA
Why is this important?
When President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act [VRA] of 1965 into law, it was an historic turn of events in the Civil Rights Movement. The VRA is crucial voting rights legislation that provides protections to ensure the nation's most vulnerable voters (minorities) are enabled to defend against unfair and illegal efforts to obstruct their access to the vote. Every American citizen has a right to the full exercise and enjoyment of his and her franchise. Every American citizen has a vested interest in democracy. Please sign the Petition to "Preserve the Voting Rights Act [VRA] of 1965"!