To: Federal Highway Administration, Ohio Department of Transportation, Ohio State Historic Preservation Office, and TMACOG

Preserving our Old West End Historic District Landscape, Toledo Ohio

We the undersigned, being residents and friends of the Old West End Historic District of Toledo Ohio, support the proper use of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA) which “requires Federal agencies to take into account the effects of their undertakings on historic properties.”

The City of Toledo has failed to "notify" its citizens, and historic district residents, as to their “rights” and responsibilities under Federal law. Additionally city officials have failed to involve any interested citizens as required, from the very early stages of planning for the reconstruction of Collingwood Avenue until the required Section 106 review is finally completed.

We support the idea of reducing the width of Collingwood Avenue in order to return Collingwood Avenue to a more residential street. A street more in character with the other main “wood” streets in the Old West End Historic District.

In order to preserve the historic landscape of our neighborhood we want the large canopy trees preserved, which is possible if Collingwood is narrowed and returned to an earlier epoch with a wider tree lawn.

We want the historic wide sidewalks maintained in the same location, not reduced to “city standards” of five feet or less. We do not want sidewalks placed against the curb that are not pedestrian friendly in a neighborhood that encourages walkers, pets, and baby strollers.

We disagree that there are no “adverse effects” to the residential fabric of the Old West End Historic District by cutting down mature trees, moving sidewalks, forever changing our cultural landscape and appearance. Reconstructing Collingwood Avenue for traffic volumes that will never again exist, since the construction of expressways carrying car and truck traffic around this historic Toledo neighborhood is not respectful to our historic heritage.

Why is this important?

The City of Toledo has failed to "notify" its citizens, and historic district residents, as to their “rights” and responsibilities under Federal law. Additionally city officials have failed to involve any interested citizens as required, from the very early stages of planning for the reconstruction of Collingwood Avenue until the required Section 106 review is finally completed.

Reference :
Reference :

§ 800.2 Participants in the Section 106 process.

(d) The public.

(1) Nature of involvement. The views of the public are essential to informed Federal decision making in the section 106 process. The agency official shall seek and consider the views of the public in a manner that reflects the nature and complexity of the undertaking and its effects on historic properties, the likely interest of the public in the effects on historic properties, confidentiality concerns of private individuals and businesses, and the relationship of the Federal involvement to the undertaking.

(2) Providing notice and information. The agency official must, except where appropriate to protect confidentiality concerns of affected parties, provide the public with information about an undertaking and its effects on historic properties and seek public comment and input. Members of the public may also provide views on their own initiative for the agency official to consider in decision making.
