To: The New Jersey State House, The New Jersey State Senate, Governor Phil Murphy, and The United States Senate

Preserving public schools

Eliminate vouchers in schools.
Let public schools remain as the dominant force in our education system.
Prevent public funds from going to privatized schools.
Privatized schools should be left up to parents at their own cost.

Why is this important?

We need to preserve the public education. It's the cheapest and best way for children to get an education. Vouchers on the other hand, depend on the profit motive to deliver education to our children. Companies and executives are the ones who profit from a private system, while money is drained and diverted from quality teachers and student's needs. Everyone in my family were in the public school system and did fine. My son graduated Rutgers Summa as a material science engineer.Similarly, my wife and I attended the public school system straight through college. We must make public school system stronger and not weaken it with voucher systems. We must demand that our governor end his policies of demeaning public schools and get vouchers and privitized schools out of our education system.