To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

President Barack Obama

To address our President as such !! I hear how people call our President , a lot of people can not bring themselves to say PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA not Obama he is the president
one like it or not and he was voted to be our PRESIDENT ,GIVE SOME RESPECT EVEN IF ONE DOES NOT LIKE HIS POINTS OF VIEWS..

Why is this important?

Why this 44th President is called by his name only ? Why can't he be address just like the rest of the Presidents . Like
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA , people shouldn't get mad at him for the economy what was left for him to solve is not easy .
He can not solve in 3 years what took since the early 80's up
through the 2000 -2008 to mess the economy up!!