To: Ronald M. Berkman, President

President Berkman: Don't allow Taxpayers' Money to be used Frivolously

Please do not allow State funds to be used to settle what appears to be nothing more than a personal vendetta between a faculty member and former student .

Why is this important?

We feel our friend and family member, Shana, R.N., from Ohio, is being targeted for filing a lawsuit against Cleveland State University in 2013. We have information that leads us to believe that a state employee or employees (protected by the State) are behind a complaint made to the State of Ohio Board of Nursing (members assigned by the State Governor); which could have severe consequences on Shana's nursing career and license, earned at another University. We feel this recent action has only occurred because of the filing of the 2013 lawsuit. Our tax dollars, paid to support State Agencies (ex. Ohio Board of Nursing), should not be used to settle what appears to be a personal vendetta between State employees and a former CSU student.
Information about the lawsuit can be found at the 'Court of Claims of Ohio' Website: Case # 2012-03425 and Case # 2013-00025