To: President Donald Trump

President Donald Trump

Issue a Public Apology to Black America.

Why is this important?

President Donald Trump continues to blatantly disrespect members of the African-American community. His administration is eager to capitalize on photo opportunities, such as hosting a recent visit by African-American ministers or falsely claiming the creation of 3 times more jobs for African-Americans than President Obama. However, his non-diversified administration refuses to allocate adequate resources to address a myriad of problems plaguing the African-American community. Instead, his administration doggedly works to reverse the gains made during the Civil Rights Movement and following the death of Dr. Martin Luther Jr. on April 4, 1968.

Instead, President Trump continues to spew unbridled hatred towards some of our country's most prominent African-American citizens, including Congressman John Lewis, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, NFL Player Colin Kaepernick, NBA Player Lebron James, and CNN Journalist Don Lemon. Most recently he described ex-White House Aid Omarosa Manigault as a "dog". These actions denigrate the office of President of the United States and create a permeating cloud of disrespect towards the African-American community.