To: Donald Trump, President Elect of the United States

President Trump: Please honor the 2016 Paris Agreement

Sign this petition to demand that President Trump support the 2016 Paris Agreement. Climate change is real and the world needs the continued leadership of the United States.

Why is this important?

We've created this petition to raise signatures supporting the 2016 Paris Agreement. This is an accord initiated by the United Nations that deals with the mitigation of greenhouse gases and aims to cap temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius, or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit. This landmark agreement opened for signatures on April 22, 2016, and, as of December 2016, 194 members of the U.N. have signed the accord. Climate change does and will continue to affect every country on Earth with dangerous environmental, health, and economic consequences.

With the 2016 election of Donald Trump, the Paris Agreement is now more important than ever. President Trump has threatened to pull out of the accord, thereby withdrawing the support of the United States to combat climate change.

This petition reflects the belief that the Paris Agreement should be respected and adhered to by the United States of America with the goal of reducing greenhouse gases.

President Trump: Climate change is real. Please do not walk away from the Paris Agreement. The world needs the leadership of the United States.