To: Bob Perciasepe, EPA Acting Administrator and Deputy Administrator, President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

President Obama and Congress: Release EPA Report Highlighting Chemical Dangers to Children

A landmark Environmental Protection Agency report concluding that children exposed to toxic substances can develop learning disabilities, asthma and other health problems has been sidetracked indefinitely by the White House Office of Management and Budget amid fierce opposition from the chemical industry. We are very concerned that the information in this report is being kept from the public. We ask the White House and Congress to release the report to help educate the public on the health risks associated with these chemicals and toxic agents.

Why is this important?

As an allergist- immunologist, I have seen a dramatic increase in the incidence of asthma as well as other major diseases related to exposure to toxic chemicals such as those cited in the report. Release this report now to keep the public informed of potentially hazardous exposures that cause disease. Our children's health should not be jeopardized due to political influence.