To: Governor Mitt Romney and President Donald Trump
President Obama and Governor Romney: Visit the Oak Creek Gurdawara in Wisconsin
Mr. President and Governor Romney, we ask you to please go to Oak Creek and take a stand against hatred, racism, xenophobia, and all other forms of intolerance. We ask you both to briefly put aside your heated campaign for the presidency and, for the good of the nation, help the people of Oak Creek, the Sikh-American community, and the greater American community, come together and heal. Your voices could make clear that such acts of terror are acts against this great nation, and against humanity. And your presence would demonstrate your solidarity with all people who face bigotry and discrimination. Please show the people of the Oak Creek Gurdwara that America stands with them, and that we as a nation will work tirelessly to prevent such an act from ever happening again. Thank you.
Why is this important?
On Sunday, August 5, an act of terror was perpetrated in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. This act of terror, of violence, and of hate was perpetrated not only against the Sikh-American community, but against America itself, and against all those Americans who are somehow perceived as “different,” whether based upon their race, their religion, their national origin, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic. Six individuals were killed in cold blood, and four others wounded. They had only come to pray–to worship in a place they felt safe. Many Americans, regardless of background, no longer feel safe. If such a heinous act could happen at the Oak Creek Gurdwara, could it not happen anywhere else?