To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
President Obama: It's Time For Serious Gun Control
President Obama, the mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut is no longer an aberration, but an almost weekly occurrence in this, the country with the most relaxed gun laws in the developed world. Your placating of the NRA during your first term must not be repeated in the next four years. Please make use of the power of your office to enact serious, meaningful gun control.
Why is this important?
Like any other rational person in this country, I am outraged by the continuing lack of discussion about gun control in the wake of the almost weekly mass shootings like the one in Newtown, Connecticut. President Obama's uncharacteristic lack of nerve in the face of the NRA's lobbying power during his first term must now become a thing of the past. Never mind that the President now no longer has to worry about running for re-election. Surely, his conscience, as a parent of two school-age children not much older than the victims of this and other shootings, must drive him to enact serious, meaningful gun control legislation through Congress.