To: President Donald Trump
President Obama : protect our Nation safety net and say no to privatization of Social Security in...
President Obama : protect our Nation safety net and Social Security in dealing with the Republican Congress during "Fiscal Cliff" negotiations.
Why is this important?
Wall Street, thru their Congressional advocates, Republicans and so called-Third Way- " Center " Democrats is focused on its traditional
Objectives: dismantling gradually our Nation safety net (to decrease expenses so the 1% can pay less taxes), and to privatize, also bit by bit, Social Security (which would generate billions of income fees for them, as financial advisors, and would make their large Banks and Brokerage firms more than "too large to fail", for if their Investments failed, thousands of small investors would be left in poverty, so the Government would have to come to their rescue with our taxpayer's money). There is, on the other hand a clear mandate for this second Obama Administration to pursue and enact Progressive legislations as shown by the proportion of voters that sided with the issues addressed by them (60%) in exit polls taken this past Elections. So, this is a unique opportunity for the Obama Administration to stand firmly and become a truly transformational Presidency like FDR's and LBJ'S.
Objectives: dismantling gradually our Nation safety net (to decrease expenses so the 1% can pay less taxes), and to privatize, also bit by bit, Social Security (which would generate billions of income fees for them, as financial advisors, and would make their large Banks and Brokerage firms more than "too large to fail", for if their Investments failed, thousands of small investors would be left in poverty, so the Government would have to come to their rescue with our taxpayer's money). There is, on the other hand a clear mandate for this second Obama Administration to pursue and enact Progressive legislations as shown by the proportion of voters that sided with the issues addressed by them (60%) in exit polls taken this past Elections. So, this is a unique opportunity for the Obama Administration to stand firmly and become a truly transformational Presidency like FDR's and LBJ'S.