To: President Donald Trump
President Obama "Suspend Deportations Now"
Suspend the Record # of 2 Million Human Deportations by the Year 2014 by which 90% have Roots from Mexico, Central & South America. President Obama & Congressional Hispanic Caucus "Think about the American Born Children who will have to Grow up here in the in the "Land of the Free & Home of the Brave" USA without their Living Parents"! Latinas/Latinos Americans Helped You Get Re-Elected in 2012 & You Said "I Promise To Make Immigration Reform My #1 Priority"!
Why is this important?
Because as a Mexican American I am offended that 72% of the 2 Million Human Deportations by 2014 have Roots like I do from Mexico. This is 100% Racial Profiling by the Obama Administration. Where is the Our American Human Compassion, Our Human American Civil & Human Rights!
The Following Human Rights Activists Agree That It Is Time for President Obama to Suspend Deportations: David R Gonzalez (Arizona), Julieta Andrade-Garcia (Illinois), Jennifer Marie Chenoweth-Ruiz (Georgia), Teodoro Palacios (N. Carolina), Tim Paynter (Colorado) & Richard Hartwell (State of Washington)!
Please Read, Sign & Share This Petition! Gracias/Thanks
The Following Human Rights Activists Agree That It Is Time for President Obama to Suspend Deportations: David R Gonzalez (Arizona), Julieta Andrade-Garcia (Illinois), Jennifer Marie Chenoweth-Ruiz (Georgia), Teodoro Palacios (N. Carolina), Tim Paynter (Colorado) & Richard Hartwell (State of Washington)!
Please Read, Sign & Share This Petition! Gracias/Thanks