Since there is more information,it is time to stop this chemical harassment indoors and outdoors in the environment. There was a mass destruction in Syria using chemicals that affected the Respiratory System.
This chemical harassment affects the Respiratory System, Nervous System and the Vital Organs of the body causing death to victims.
Why is this important?
Since there is more information on chemical harassment, it is time to make an action to stop the creation of these chemicals and to stop this behavior of spraying the environment and indoors to disable .The creators of these chemicals have discovered the Pathway from the lungs to all parts of the body. These chemicals are focused on any part to disable. The chemicals get into the Respiratory System then in the Nervous System to cause pain and disability, plus into any Vital Organ to disable and cause death to its victims.
I am affected by these chemicals and so are my friends and acquaintances plus others. This behavior has caused some of my friends to die because of their faulty Vital Organs which was attacked by these chemicals. This chemical harassment affects animals, my cats died and so was a harasser's cat.
This chemical harassment must be stopped and the chemicals must be assessed and tested for the sake of Humanity. This is happening in a few States in America so it is vital that this behavior is stopped so that others will be aware of it and follow suit.