To: President Donald Trump

Tell President Obama: Help keep Veterans in Their Homes by Reducing their mortgage payments, Redu...

Take the middle-man BANKS out of home loans to veterans.

Why is this important?


This petition is for all veterans, family members and anyone who is concerned about veterans and their families. There have been several foreclosures of homes owned by veterans in Bell County. Some foreclosures were due to unemployment, and others were due to medical issues. I am sure that veterans and their families losing their homes to foreclosures are occurring around the country. This petition is asking President Obama to take the middleman – BANKS out of the home loan process to veterans and their families.

The objective of this petition is to ask President Obama to allow veterans to borrow directly from the government and take the middle man out of the home loans to veterans’ process. The Obama administration has done this with student loans. Students who want to borrow money for higher education can now borrow directly from the Department of Education. Why not extend this to veterans’ home loans by allowing veterans to borrow directly from the Veterans Administration who is currently the guarantor for all veterans’ home loans. It shall decrease the rate of foreclosure for veterans, reduce their mortgage payments, and allow them to pay off their loans sooner. More importantly, it will reduce homelessness amongst veterans. Help stop the bleeding of veterans; take the middle man out of the home loan business.

Why should you care about this? In the community that I live in, several veterans and their families have lost their homes to foreclosures. Perhaps in the communities that you live in, the same has happened. I know of veterans who have paid for 15 to 20 years on their mortgages and now because of medical issues, or unemployment their homes are being foreclosed. What a way to thank our veterans and their families for their honorable service to our country. Please sign this petition and stop the tragedy.

That's why I created a petition to President Barack Obama, which says:

"Take the middle man-BANKS out of the home loans to veterans.”

Will you sign my petition?
Gulf War Era Veteran