To: Jackie Speier, Dianne Feinstein, and Barbara Boxer
President Obama's proposed cuts to Social Security
I feel President Obama was not honest with the American people during his campaign when he told us he would not cut Social Security or Medicare. You as our representative from California need to tell the President to not cut our Social Security, next it will be medicare. With the rising cost of medical and prescription drugs what are retirees who worked all their lives and had money taken out of their checks to now have to have our checks cut. These is a defined benefit not an entitlement as the president and the republicans call it, I would like to see if they had their pensions cut. Please speak for us seniors. Thank you
Why is this important?
Say no to President Obama's proposal to cut Social Security by lowering the cost of living adjustment for current and future retirees.
Medical costs are on the rise along with prescription drugs, we cannot afford to have our Social Security cut.
Medical costs are on the rise along with prescription drugs, we cannot afford to have our Social Security cut.