To: President Donald Trump

Pres.Obama: No to Racial Profiling

We strongly urge you NOT to appoint former NYC Police Commissioner, Ray Kelly, to the post of Head of Homeland Security.

Kelly's Stop and Frisk Program illegally targeted 480,000 Black and Latino individuals inorder to instill fear in them that they would be targeted by police every time they left their homes!

We urge you to stand by your commitments of 2008 when you promised to ban racial profiling on a federal level, and at your recent press conference in response to the Trayvon Martin shooting. Appointing Kelly is a yes vote for racial profiling.

Why is this important?

President Obama has suggested that he is interested in recruiting former NYC police Commissionser, Ray Kelly, author of Stop and Frisk to the post of Head of Homeland Security despite Kelly's record of racially profiling approx. 480,000 Black and Latino dark-skinned individuals.
