To: President Donald Trump, The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, Governor Jay Inslee, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Prevent Gun Injuries and Deaths

The sale and ownership of automatic and semi-automatic weapons should be illegal. Rights to carry concealed weapons should be limited to members of law-enforcement. Target facilities will be provided to sportsmen who are willing to store their guns at the site.

Why is this important?

Preventing gun injuries and deaths is a public health issue. We have enacted food safety, traffic safety, seat belt and helmet rules, and yet we do nothing to prevent the 82 daily deaths from gunshot wounds. I don't have any personal experience of gun violence but I could, at any time. We do our best to protect people from bad drugs to choking hazards, but we allow them to buy and use guns which are designed to do one thing--kill people.
