As your constituents, we implore you to get these bills out of committee and onto the floor for a vote. The potential benefit these bills bring to the lives of Ohioans cannot be overstated, and your constituency is adamant that you represent them on these issues. As you well know, 81% of voters with children in school specifically prefer medically accurate sexual health education; not to mention the overwhelming support for assault victims to have access to a wide range of treatments after an attack.
As elected officials, you have the power to make Ohio a healthier place for our children and for the victims of unspeakable crimes.
Please pass these common-sense initiatives.
Why is this important?
The Compassionate Assistance for Rape Emergencies Act (SB 283/HB 419) and The Act for Our Children’s Future (SB 232/HB 338) are two common sense initiatives to prevent unintended pregnancy and infections in our state population; thereby saving taxpayer money, preventing the need for abortion, and making our future generation healthier all around.