To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Preventive health, is the key to healthcare cost reductions

Preventive healthcare starts in the minds of the people. We must start a more intensive effort to educate the public on, the ill's of unhealthy lifestyles. Now that we have Obamacare, we must do everything in our power, to empower ourselves, to take control of our own health and lives. Preventive healthcare is necessary, because no matter how much healthcare we have, if people continue to live in the most unhealthy ways, we will never be able to survive as a nation! Preventive healthcare is not early medical testing and such, but living in manners conducive to the production of, health and life. Preventive healthcare will save the nation trillions, and save millions of lives.

Why is this important?

Promoting Preventive health, to stop this explosion of Preventable diseases, that threatens to destroy the people of this nation, and the nation itself!
