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To: Linda Moran - President, CEO and Nile Rodgers - Chairman

PRINCE ROGERS NELSON should be in the Songwriters Hall of Fame

I really do not understand why Mr. Prince Rogers Nelson has not been added yet. How many more songs does he have to write for himself and others before he is recognized? Please add Prince into the Songwriters Hall of Fame as soon as possible.
Thank you

Why is this important?

One Name, One Symbol, One Colour Equals Music O(+>



2024-07-29 03:45:42 -0400

Thanks to ALL of YOU This Happened 🕊💜O(+>🕊🌹

2024-07-27 23:10:22 -0400

I just want to say a Big Thank You to the Purple Family..WE DID IT..HE IS FINALLY WHERE HE BELONGS AND GETTING THE AWARD HE DESERVES...
Together Purple Fam WE can get things done...🕊💜O(+>🕊🌹

2023-11-24 05:33:31 -0500

The new list for 2024 and Prince is Still NOT on it. Please Sign and Share for it does not look like he is going to get in there without US..

2023-09-05 22:38:10 -0400

Here is Mr. Hayes speaking to The Current about what Prince felt he was best at...🕊💜O(+>🕊🌹🕊🌹🕊🌹🕊🌹🕊🌹🕊🌹🕊🕊💜O(+>

2023-06-21 23:24:59 -0400

1,000 signatures reached

2022-10-21 20:45:39 -0400

500 signatures reached

2022-10-07 18:38:51 -0400

Prince said it himself.
"At the end of the day I am a Songwriter" If you go online and read the lyrics of any song that Prince has ever written you can see for yourself that he was a prolific Songwriter and Poet.
He belongs in the Songwriters Hall of Fame. Please Sign and Share so we can get him in there where he belongs. 🕊💜O(+>🕊🌹🕊🌹🕊🌹

2022-08-21 12:45:55 -0400

Hello Beautiful Purple People.
Thanks so much for signing this but we need to share it far and wide..I am hoping to get to at least a 1000 signatures before I present this to the Songwriters Hall of Fame..
Please share so we can get them to finally put Prince where he belongs..
Thanks so much..🕊💜O(+>

2022-05-31 10:42:51 -0400

100 signatures reached

2022-05-30 09:30:33 -0400

50 signatures reached

2022-05-30 01:58:19 -0400

25 signatures reached

2022-05-29 21:21:54 -0400

Here is a complete list A-Z and Prince is not on it..

2022-05-29 21:17:22 -0400

10 signatures reached