To: Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney General, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, Governor Andrew Cuomo, and The United States House of Representatives

Prioritize the Justice Department's Review of the Murder of Ramarley Graham

This letter is to ask that priority be placed on the Justice Department's review of the murder of American citizen Ramarley Graham by NYPD officer Richard Haste.

Why is this important?

The parents of Ramarley Graham, with the support of the citizens of the City of New York, hereby implore the United States Attorney’s Office and the Department of Justice to prosecute Richard Haste and others for the grievous civil rights violations which resulted in the tragic and senseless death of Ramarley Graham.

Last week, it was reported that Federal prosecutors will review evidence for possible civil rights violations in the death of Ramarley Graham, who was 18 years old and unarmed when he was fatally shot by police officer Richard Haste. On August 7, the charges were dropped against Haste. This letter is to ask that priority be placed on the Justice Department's review so that charges may be filed and justice served by Richard Haste going to prison for what he has done.

For Ramarley Graham, we will not go away and our voices will not diminish nor be muted. We need your help.