To: The Ohio State House, The Ohio State Senate, Governor Mike DeWine, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump
prison over crowding
lance ealy has been held in prison by several federal judges in Ohio's jurisdiction on fraud charges he was given 12 years in prison claiming he owes the IRS 60.000 Dollars this was an absolute lie and abuse of power that must be brought before congress and the DOJ. lance ealy has been deprived of life, liberty and property and was abducted due to the continuing fight against police brutality and racial discrimination in the United States of America. The kidnapping was carried out by several rouge judges who where sued by larry ealy in 14cv1280. This proves that Klansmen are in power in Ohio, this abduction was slavery and modern day oppression due to filing of a law suit, the retaliation and reprisal here is well documented for having been exposed for tampering with records concerning police brutality in Dayton Ohio, Fact: larry ealy was assaulted by several Dayton Ohio police March 14, 1990 and the records sustain that former Federal District Judge Walter Herbert Rice out of Dayton Ohio conspired to obstruct obstructed justice by removal of medical records in case number 90cv159 then he instructed the jury to hold the awards of 20,000.00 for police brutality, the removal of records occurred in the judges chambers with larry ealys trial counsel present, this act occurred even though larry ealy was acquitted in case number 90CRB 1728 State of Ohio vs larry ealy. In case number 91 CR2238 the Dayton police where convicted of assault and battery against larry ealy. In appellate case number 92 CA12820 the second district court of appeals for Montgomery county Ohio affirmed the assault in case number 91-2238 and the city of Dayton refused to appeal to the highest court in the state of Ohio. Records confirm that the Dayton Police whom assaulted larry ealy lance ealys father had assaulted 385 minorities from 1985 to 1990 leading up to the assault establishing a pattern of practice see 42 USC 14141. The policy of assault was sustained by the record the police assaulted larry ealy inside the Dayton municipal court complex having been witnessed by a hundred citizens or so. Monell vs Dept. of Social Service, 436 U.S. 65891978) where the U.S. Supreme Court held that a local government was an actual person and could be sued by individual entities who had there civil liberties violated and all civil and constitutional rights. Monroe vs Pape 365 U.S. 167 (1961) this case sustains that African Americans are subjected to all types of due process violations and have been conspired against by the federal government. Ex Parte Virginia, 100 U.S. 339(1879) The type of judges here must be held accountable as in Ex Parte Virginia, for there actions of denial of due process for the black, negro and colored race as stated plainly. Congress and the White house must neutralized and place limits on power on judges who consume and abuse there powers. Bivens vs Six Unknown-Named Narcotics Agents. U.S. 38(1971).
Why is this important?
Because of the kidnaping of my oldest son lance ealy by U.S. Marshals under the order of Federal Judges Thomas Rose and Michael Barrett who are out to deprive the black, negro and colored race of due process of law for fighting for there constitutional rights in Ohio. Strauder vs W. Virginia, 100 U.S. 303(1880) people are being illegally sentenced by agents of the judicial branch of government where no charge had been established, the government is out of control and are imprisoning citizens for profit