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To: President Donald Trump, The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, Governor Ron DeSantis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Prison Reform

Stop sending people to prison for things that could be handled by them paying restitution or getting probation, and stop letting prisons make huge profits off tax payers and inmates, while treating inmates inhumanely.

Why is this important?

My son was in a bar fight, another person got hurt and my is now incarcerated for making a bad decision. He is being unjustly mistreated by prison staff, had his belongings stolen, purchased new things only to have those stolen as well, is afraid of the other prisoners (they call him names and have even threatened him for not standing up to the first inmate that stole from him). However, I know that I am not the only one concerned about this and that is afraid for their loved one's safety. Many other family members and friends are afraid to complain because they worry that those complaints will result in the inmates being punished. This also involves companies making huge profits from the inmates, their families, and taxpayers: the healthcare facilities that are supposed to be there to help sick inmates (my son gets medication for seizures) and have let inmates die, the phone service company that profits by allowing inmates to call us, the company that allows us to send money to an inmate's account and then provides very overpriced merchandise for the inmates to purchase at the prison canteen, while making huge profits from this, the company that allows us to buy the inmates some additional clothing so they can dress for the seasonal weather conditions. This inhumane treatment needs to stop.



2020-01-18 21:48:32 -0500

100 signatures reached