To: President Donald Trump and The United States Senate

Prison Sentences for Drug Offenses? or Funding for Recovery?

Nearly half of prisoners are incarcerated for drug offenses. Do you think that substance use/abuse is a crime punishable by jail time?

If you believe that it is wrong to incarcerate individuals for substance use/abuse, would you agree that funding should be redirected from prisons to the appropriately identified mental health and social services to provide support rather than social isolation?

Sign this petition if you agree that funding should be focused on mental health and social services aimed toward prevention, recovery, and social support, instead of imprisonment!

Why is this important?

A close family friend battled with addiction. Years ago, he was arrested and sentenced for possession with intent to distribute. Although he may have had no intention to sell the drug, the amount he had in possession at the time of his arrest led to these charges. After a few years in jail, isolated from family, friends, and social support he was released. My family, his family, and a few friends tried to offer support, but he refused to accept help. He roomed with an old friend and began to isolate himself, we didn't see him for weeks at a time, and he had trouble finding full-time employment and worked in a bar until late at night. Roughly eight months after his release his roommate found him unconcious in his room and called 911. He was not breathing and was rushed to the hospital only to be pronounced dead at arrival.

I believe in a fair and just democracy. I believe people should have a second chance and given the appropriate resources to change and attempt a life in recovery. I believe that social support heals and that isolation can worsen mental conditions and addiction. I believe that people have a right to raise their voice to correct an injustice that many individuals have served in the presence of drug addiction and/or social, emotional and physical distress, or mental anguish that are a leading cause of substance abuse.
