To: Amazon/CreateSpace, Case #05205127

Professional Guardianship Fraud

A major new book about attorneys, courts and guardians involved in financial fraud of the elderly has recently been removed from Amazon by a law professor connected with a group of family law attorneys who wish to keep all information about guardianship from becoming public. This crime affects millions and the transfer of wealth is in the billions yearly. We need to let Amazon know that _GUARDIANSHIP: How Judges and Lawyers Steal Your Money_ needs to be put back on Amazon.

Why is this important?

I know firsthand that forced guardianship happens to approximately five million seniors a year, whose wealth disappears into the hands of a few professional guardians, attorneys, and court personnel acting in conspiracy to obtain the victim's wealth with little public knowledge.
Ostensibly created to prevent financial abuse by caregivers and family members, professional guardianship instead gives the legal system "carte blanche" to destroy lives, as I discovered when my family tried to help a friend suffering under a corrupt guardianship firm.
Deemed incapacitated by the courts, elderly citizens are robbed of their decision-making rights and assigned professional guardians whose only interest lies in profiting from their estates. As guardianship firms take everything they can, state attorneys turn a blind eye. The very attorneys hired to help back away out of fear of losing their licenses.
After witnessing the grief and rage of family members at the forced isolation and chemical restraints of their loved one, I realized that tens of thousands of other families were experiencing this same heartache worldwide. My hope is that this book will increase public outrage against this common, court-condoned crime. Please sign the petition to tell Amazon to put the book back on - it was taken off by a family law professor who profits from this crime.
