To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Professional Juries Needed
Professional Juries would create hundreds if not thousands of jobs. People who comprised professional juries would be educated in the letter of the law creating a more unbiased jury. The concept would alleviate enormous daily waste of time and money in an already overburdened court system. Thousands of lay people who don't want to be on juries would not be losing time and pay from their jobs.
Why is this important?
Every day the courts waste enormous amounts of time and money and thousands of people lose money by being taken away from work in the jury selection process. Professional juries would be comprised of people who would attend a two year program learning the letter of the law and developing an unbiased opinion, moving around in a 20 mile radius to different courtrooms to insure the juries would be mixed and remain impartial. It's a win-win for everybody. For the people who cannot afford and do not want to be on a jury, for people who have an aptitude for this line of work and the countless jobs that would be created and for judges who must repeat themselves day in and day out with the patience of Job for people who don't understand the process, and for the already overburdened, financially taxed court system