To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Promote Reasonable Gun Control

Be it resolved that a balanced commission be appointed to review every existing gun law and to recommend the repeal any law or regulation that does not directly enhance public safety in order to promote a more effective and rational public discourse about future gun control legislation.

Why is this important?

California already has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country, and many of those laws do nothing to increase safety, but harrass and annoy responsible gun owners that may otherwise support effective regulations aimed at reducing gun-related crimes or accidents.

These mis-guided laws generate ill-will towards any new laws that might actually be effective in increasing public safety. The Legislature and the Governor should empower a commission composed of equal numbers of 2nd Amendment Advocates and Gun Control Advocates to perform a complete review of existing laws, and to make recommendations as to the advisability of repealing any and all restrictions that do not directly enhance public safety.
