To: Governor Bill Lee

Propane contracts

Stop propane suppliers from witholding propane to their customers who are under contract to receive it at a lower price.

Why is this important?

Elderly in our state were under contract with UPG to receive propane at 1.69 a gallon. When they need a fill-up during the recent extremely cold weather, they called Quality Propane, or any of the other UPG suppliers in the area, their calls went unanswered. One 89 year old woman went to the suppliers office to order gas since the propane tank was down to 20 percent. The truck driver delivered only 5 percent more. The elderly lady now fears she'll have to stay with relatives since more sub-freezing temperatures are expected. This scenario is being repeated all over our state this winter. I tried over four days to reach the company I was under contract with. They refused to answer my calls and had turned off the answering machine.