To: The Wisconsin State House, The Wisconsin State Senate, Governor Tony Evers, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Proper Management of Funds

We, the American people, speak for the people of the world. We are tired of the mismanagement of our limited tax dollars going to senseless warmongering, corruption, and greed. We want peace, and we want our money to be put to good uses that make sense, like creating jobs, healthcare, education, housing, clean energy, sustainable living, social security, global peacemaking efforts, so everyone has what they need, and can be who they are, all around the world.

Why is this important?

We need to focus the proper management of tax dollars into more meaningful programs rather than war mongering, corruption, and greed. We need to funnel money into education, so teachers don't have to spend their own money to get needed supplies for their students, and college graduates aren't paying student loans, so people are not dying and housing, so families do not lose their homes...clean, renewable energy and sustainable living as humans being, so we can have hope for the future without using up our security, so our seniors don't have to worry needlessly...and most of all, global peacemaking efforts, paying it forward with random acts of kindness so everyone can be who they are, and have what they need, all around the world.