To: President Donald Trump, The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, Governor J.B. Pritzker, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate


Our Property Taxes are an average of 75% in ADDITION to OUR HOME mortgages. Its like paying for a second home that we don't have. No one wants to talk about the other factor that creates the many foreclosures here in Chicago and its Suburbs....HIGH PROPERTY TAXES.

Why is this important?

The rate of Property Tax is over the 35% of your mortgage rate.
It is an average of 75% in addition to my mortgage. Its like paying for a second home that I don't have.
How can the Assesors office say one thing and the Board of Electors say something totally different when assessing my property.
Something needs to be done before we have more Foreclosures.
No one wants to talk about the other factor that creates the many foreclosures here in Chicago and its of the other factors is the HIGH PROPERTY TAXES.