To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Proportional Benefits for Hours Worked

Workers, who work less than full time for an employer, should be provided benefits proportional for the number of hours worked. Forty hours equals 100% of the employer provided benefits, twenty hours equals 50%, four hours equals 10% of the benefits. This would cover benefits such as insurance, sick days, vacation time, seniority, etc.
If workers were paid benefits proportional to the number of hours worked some of the economic inequity currently existing would disappear.

Why is this important?

Currently too many workers are limited by their employer in the number of hours they are allowed to work, so that the employer is not required to provide those benefits that are provided for full time employees who work forty hours or more. Under The Affordable Health Care Act for example, it is contemplated that many workers will be kept to under thirty (30) hours by their employer, who then is not required to provide the proposed benefits of Obama Care.

Some individuals now work a number of different jobs totaling more than forty hours a week, but can never acquire the benefits that are paid to full time employees who work forty (40) hours or more a week for a single employer. Why should workers be penalized because employers "game" the system by keeping employees in a part time status to avoid providing benefits ?

Some employers have even coerced employees to punch out while working so they will never attain full time status. Workers often have difficult work schedules. If workers were paid benefits proportional to the number of hours worked some of the inequity currently existing would disappear. Forty hours equals 100% of the employer provided benefits, twenty hours equals 50%, four hours equals 10% of the benefits.

It is time to demand equity. Benefits should be proportional to the number of hours worked, not tied to the forty hour work week of the past.
