To: The Montana State House, The Montana State Senate, and Governor Steve Bullock

Protect Access to Family Planning for Low-Income Montanans

Please accept federal Title X family planning funding in Montana. This funding saves Montana taxpayer money by giving low-income women and men a crucial resource for birth control, physical exams, and screening for breast, cervical, and testicular cancer. All of these services have proven to reduce Medicaid costs. Surely you understand that the diminished public health outcomes and the reduced economic and human potential of our citizens far outweigh the cost to provide access to these essential services. Do the right thing and do it now. Please restore Title X family planning funding in Montana.

Why is this important?

Montana legislators are trying to block federal family planning money from coming into the state! This is money serves over 25,000 low-income Montanans and saves taxpayer money by preventing unplanned pregnancy and STDs.
