To: President Donald Trump, The Wisconsin State House, The Wisconsin State Senate, Governor Tony Evers, and The United States Senate

Protect and Uphold the Right to Religious Freedom

In 2010, a Waupaca county judge in Waupaca, Wisconsin signed a court order requiring Susan Reed to raise her children in a Christian home. Susan Reed and her two children are Muslim.
Ms. Reed requested that her legal counsel take necessary action to remove or amend the language in the court order. She was advised by her counsel to keep quiet and take measures to avoid her ex husband from discovering she and the children are practicing Muslims.
Requiring her to be Christian or to raise her children as Christians is a violation of her and her children's First Amendment rights.
She and her children want to be able to be openly Muslim and not have to practice their beliefs in secret due to fear of discovery and subsequent risk of her having her children removed from her due to her violating the part of the court order requiring her to raise her children in a Christian home.
Susan Reed is asking that she and her children be free to exercise their right to religeous freedom. An amended order or removal of language in the court order specifying any particular religion needs to be made and that the judge be made accountable for signing into effect an order that violates her and her children's rights.

Why is this important?

In 2010, a Waupaca County Courthouse judge signed an order requiring Susan Reed requiring her to raise her children in a Christian home. Susan Reed and her two children are Muslim and have been forced to practice their beliefs in secret.
This is a violation of her and her children's First Amendment rights.
