To: Kevin Cronin, Community Development Director

Protect Astoria's Riverfront- Finalize the Riverfront Vision Plan

Tell City Hall that we don't want more multi-story buildings on the Columbia River.

Why is this important?

The Columbia River is a breathtaking sight. It's a huge part of what makes Astoria such a wonderful place to live.

Over 7 years have passed since the "completion" of the Riverfront Vision Plan yet many zones have not seen implementation of said plan- leaving them vulnerable to development that spites the very plan the city of Astoria and its residents worked so hard to agree upon.

Over the past few years, more and more hotels (and their expansions) are popping up along the river- blocking the view from the hill, much of downtown, and the river walk. Currently, developers are buying up properties with plans to build more. We are at the risk of losing what little open space we have left. Astorians, let's make it clear to City of Astoria officials that locals want to see the RVP completed sooner, not later.