To: The Michigan State House, The Michigan State Senate, and Governor Gretchen Whitmer
Protect Auto No-Fault Insurance in Michigan
The insurance industry has introduced legislation that, if enacted, would fundamentally change the basic nature of the Michigan auto no-fault system. Michigan insurance companies want to cap your injury and rehabilitation auto insurance benefits (known as Personal Injury Protection), which they say will save drivers about $10 per month for one year. This legislation does not save US, the residents,but rather Insurance companies millions of dollars.
Why is this important?
Our family was involved in an auto accident over 5 years ago and are still dealing with the ramifications of this life altering event. Their proposed legislation would force:
*Drivers to have to purchase MORE insurance to protect themselves from underinsured drivers
*Seriously injured drivers will be FORCED onto welfare programs to pay for their care once their auto insurance hits the proposed cap limits , costing taxpayers tens of millions of dollars each year.
Who is actually saving money from this proposed legislation? Auto Insurance companies; not US, the customers.
*Drivers to have to purchase MORE insurance to protect themselves from underinsured drivers
*Seriously injured drivers will be FORCED onto welfare programs to pay for their care once their auto insurance hits the proposed cap limits , costing taxpayers tens of millions of dollars each year.
Who is actually saving money from this proposed legislation? Auto Insurance companies; not US, the customers.