To: Ron Davis, Precinct 1 Commissioner, Travis County Commissioners Court, Bruce Todd, Precinct 2 Commissioner, Travis County Commissioners Court, Gerald Daugherty, Precinct 3 Commissioner, Travis County Commissioners Court, Margaret Gomez, ...

Protect Barton Springs: Say NO to the Aquifer Toll Road!

Travis County Commissioners Court should take NO ACTION to promote the construction of State Highway 45 Southwest on top of the recharge zone for Barton Springs and the Edwards Aquifer.

Why is this important?

For millennia, the cool, clear waters of Barton Springs have flowed into the Colorado River, in downtown Austin, Texas. This incredible resource generates millions of dollars for Austin each year. Now, a lame duck majority of Travis County Commissioners wants to commit $15 million dollars of taxpayer money to build this toll road before an environmental impact statement can be completed. Keep the aquifer toll road off of the recharge zone for Barton Springs!