To: Bob Buckhorn, Mayor

Protect Free Speech Rights in Tampa

We recognize that the opportunity to host the Republican National Convention will benefit the City of Tampa financially, and that this opportunity comes with the responsibility to take reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of visiting delegates, dignitaries, and members of the press.

But we also recognize that our fellow citizens of various political persuasions have every right to expect the City of Tampa to extend an equally warm welcome to their assertion of the First Amendment right of free speech. We ask that you direct all City of Tampa personnel not to interfere with peaceful protests or other prerogatives of an open democratic society. May the picture of Tampa the nation takes away from next week's events show us at our best.

Why is this important?

With the Republican National Committee's convention starting on Tuesday in Tampa, Mayor Buckhorn needs to protect free speech by making sure City of Tampa personnel do not interfere with peaceful protests in association with Republican National Convention events.
