To: Robyn Gabel (IL-18) and Laura Fine (IL-9)

Protect Illinois Public Universities

Gov. Rauner proposed a $387 million cut to all public universities in the state of Illinois. Exacerbating the state’s consistent failure to fund public higher education adequately, this 31.5% proposed cut threatens access to the quality education our public universities offer. Our students, state, and universities can't afford any more cuts. In spite of this governor, Illinois must fund our future -- now. Illinois' public higher education system is becoming prohibitively too costly for working people. It is destroying our economic competitiveness. By signing this petition, we call on you, Rep. Gabel and Sen Biss, to oppose these cuts to Illinois public universities.

Why is this important?

I care about my state. The governor is methodically harming all sectors of Illinois citizens who are unable to benefit from the perks he is providing to the top 1% in the state, as he dismantles the programs that help those who are truly vulnerable.