To: Rep. Harold Rogers (KY-5) and Sen. Mitch McConnell (KY-1)

Protect Kentucky Seniors and Our Poor

Kentucky is one of the poorest states in the Union. If all of the Kentuckians in poverty were their own county it would be the second most populous behind Jefferson (Louisville).

Over one quarter of our children are growing up in poverty.

Many of our senior citizens (future and present) would be living in poverty without the safety net. The passage of the Social Security Act and the establishment of Medicare saved many many elderly Americans from an indigent life.

Honorable Senator McConnell and Representative Rogers, please please consider your constituents when working on the budgetary negotiations, and the fiscal cliff.

Kentucky families would suffer needlessly if these programs are weakened or abolished.

Beyond the suffering those Federal dollars contribute directly to Kentucky's economy vis-a-vis the multiplier effect. Not only are people employed in Nursing Homes, Hospitals and Doctors offices as a result of these programs but local businesses benefit as well. Businesses that supply goods or services to these facilities.

Please protect Kentucky Families and Kentucky's fragile economy.

Why is this important?

Protect our senior citizens present and future and our poor!! Don't cut the Safety net to give more tax breaks to the wealthy!